Greek heroes
greek heroes
erected by Athens to the cremated citizen-heroes of Marathon (490 BCE), to whom chthonic cult was dedicated, as the offering trenches indicate [7] On the other hand Greek heroes were
The Heroes & Heroines of Greek Mythology : Heracles, Perseus, Bellerophon, Pandora, Psyche, Ganymedes, etc
Heroes in Greek Mythology Achilles. Achilles was the strongest and most fearless warrior in the Greek war against the Trojans. As an infant his mother dipped him into the River
Classic biographies from Ancient Greece, in modern English HTML
Learn about the Greek heroes and heroines in mythology and art, with recommended books and resources
This site is dedicated to the heroes, gods and monsters of Greek mythology.
If a hero is properly defined as somebody who does something dangerous to help somebody else, then the heroes of Greek mythology do not qualify.
Here are the major heroes of Greek legend. Two of them (Odysseus and Achilles) are from the Trojan War. The others were involved in adventures.
Greek heroes were a fascinating lot. Here are a few of the more important ones.
A list of who's who in Greek mythology and legend. Who Is Who in Greek Legend? A Who's Who List of Greek Heroes from Greek Legend, Myth, and the Trojan War
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