Course compass
course compass
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Register Ready to register for MyMathLab? Instructors. Go to Click the Register button for instructors, enter your instructor access code, and follow the on
i Contents Contents.. i What Is CourseCompass
Provides student downloads and instructor resources for software-based educational material.
Get access to a new course. Continue a course, re-take a course, or switch to a different course section.
MyLab Courses? You've Come to the Right Place! Pearson MyLabs in CourseCompass are powerful tutorial and assessment products with ready-to-use tests and assignments, custom-built
MyMathLab is an innovative series of online courses designed to work hand in hand with Pearson books.
Blackboard Academic Suite⢠Welcome to the Blackboard e-Education platform-- designed to enable educational innovations everywhere by connecting people and technology.
Course Compass . A number of BCCC Math courses, both eLearning, Hybrd and face-to-face, use an online course tool, CourseCompass, in conjunction with the course
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