Aps march meeting

aps march meeting
APS March Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. Tuesday, March 11, 2008, 11:15 AMâ"2:15 PM: History of PRL Symposium, followed by a reception for the conference attendees.
APS March Meeting 2009 March 16-20, 2009; Joint Spring 2009 Meeting of the Texas Sections of the APS, AAPT, and SPS April 2-4, 2009; Spring 2009 Meeting of the New York Section of APS
Find Ideas on Business Meetings, with Helpful Tips and Advice.
APS March Meeting Job Fair Information and Registration
2008 APS March Meeting Mondayâ"Friday, March 10â"14, 2008; New Orleans, Louisiana
Welcome to the MAR06 Meeting Web Bulletin. New Policy on Distribution of the Printed March Meeting Bulletin. All March Meeting registrants will receive a CDRom version of the
APS March Tutorials Pre-Meeting Tutorial Registration. Pre-Meeting tutorial registration is closed.
2007 APS March Meeting in Denver, CO: A Studentâs Perspective > AIP-APS Academic/Industrial Mixer > SPS Travel & SPS Reporter Award Recipients
show hours: Monday 3/16: 10am - 5pm Tuesday 3/17: 10am - 5pm Wednesday 3/18: 9am - 4pm: move-in hours: Saturday 3/14: 1pm - 5pm Sunday 3/15: 8am - 5pm
2008 APSMarch Meeting New Orleans, Louisiana http://www.aps.org/meetings/march/index.cfm
APS March Meeting will be held in March 16-20, 2009, in Pittsburgh, PA.
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