Definition of venereal from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games.
venereal /ve·ne·re·al/ (ve-ner´e-al) due to or propagated by sexual intercourse. ve·ne·re·al (v-nîr-l) adj. 1. Transmitted by sexual intercourse.
ve·ne·re·al  (v-nîr-l) adj. 1. a. Transmitted by sexual intercourse. b. Of or relating to a sexually transmitted disease. 2. Of or relating to sexual intercourse.
Venereal Disease : Along with tuberculosis, progressive reformers and social critics in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries identified venereal disease as
adjective . 1. arising from, connected with, or transmitted through sexual intercourse, as an infection. 2. pertaining to conditions so arising. 3. infected with or suffering from
sexually transmitted disease (STD) or venereal disease, term for infections acquired mainly through sexual contact. Five diseases were traditionally known as venereal diseases
Communicable Disease Fact Sheet, venereal warts Please Note. Some documents on this page are saved in the Portable Document Format (PDF).
Venereal warts may be small, flat, flesh-colored bumps or tiny, cauliflower-like bumps. In men, veneral warts can grow on the penis, near the anus, or between the penis and the
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