noun, plural -gi â /-ËdÊ'aɪ / Show Spelled Pronunciation [-jahy] Show IPA Pronunciation, -gusâ es. 1. a stone coffin, esp. one bearing sculpture, inscriptions, etc., often
sarcophagus n. , pl. -gi ( ) or -guses . A stone coffin, often inscribed or decorated with sculpture
sar·coph·a·gus  (sär-k f-g s) n. pl. sar·coph·a·gi (-j) or sar·coph·a·gus·es. A stone coffin, often inscribed or decorated with sculpture. [Latin, from Greek
The conversion can be reversed with a sarcophagus if done soon enough. [38] Kor mak. Paired bracelets that connect the wearers and kills them if they are separated from one another
Definition of sarcophagus from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games.
sarcophagus â" Facts about sarcophagus, Pictures, Video and sarcophagus Information at a free, credible collection of encyclopedias.
Construct a clay box to resemble an Egyptian sarcophagus. Self-hardening clay is easy to use and gives students experience in clay techniques without the cost of kiln firing.
Sarcophagus provides Web-based information management systems and project extranets to the construction industry.
Sarcophagus refers to the carved, generally stone case in which the linen-wrapped Egyptian mummy was placed.
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