Is brad carlton really dead
is brad carlton really dead
Maybe the real Brad Carlton wasn't really dead when George left him. In which case the real Brad Carlton would probably not be a big George fan.
to go to prison.Hey when they finger print him, will they find out he really isn't Brad Carlton? only if his dead teenage friend, whose identity he assumed, had done something
This might not be the end of Brad Carlton. We all know this is a soap and I really hope they don't show a dead BradI'd rather just have him disappear knowing there's a chance
I'm going to miss Brad Carlton- It's really sad to think that he was left behind dead in the icy lake and no ones knows for days. The writer's could've created a worthier ending
I just finished reading Brad Carlton's "How Bush Hit the Thanks for telling it like it really is. Good job. comment of "Lucky me, I hit the trifecta" was dead
Any chance Brad Carlton mysteriously reappears in LA a few months later, and I really hope they don't show a dead BradI'd rather just have him disappear knowing there's a chance
Brad Carlton Top News - 2004 See Also: Ashley Carlton Colleen She shot a five-year-old boy dead in the head. She's flapping his gums about getting Newman and was really
the murdered family and about the real Brad Carlton. disappeared and asked Brad if he was dead. Brad to be a real estate broker real was really a real estate broker and Brad
Victor seeing what Jack really wanted counter offered that the Brash With Chow dead and Nikki presumably in ICU, Brad Carlton assumed that he would become new CEO, but was
However, just when everyone thought they knew Brad, it was revealed that Brad Carlton was really landed the CEO position at Newman Enterprises when Victor was presumed dead, but
The little engine that could
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